How Cannabis Farmers Helped Create the Indoor Farming Industry

Gabe Blanchet, Co-Founder, CEO of Grove via The Spoon: While todays indoor farming owes a whole lot to the cannabis, NASA and greenhouse research, my focus in this piece is on the formative impact pot growers had on this industry.

Farmer's Business Network, Inc. Announces $110 Million Series D Funding

Funding Enables Rapidly Growing Farmer Network to Accelerate the Independent Digital Farm Economy

Combining solar panels and agriculture makes land more productive

Karen Graham for Digital Journal: An agrophotovoltaics (APV) pilot project conducted at Lake Constance has proven that farming and the use of solar panels can be compatible.

Sensors applied to plant leaves warn of water shortage

Anne Trafton for MIT News Office: MIT engineers have created sensors that can be printed onto plant leaves and reveal when the plants are experiencing a water shortage

Giving agriculture a global do-over could feed nearly a billion more people

Diana Gitig for Ars Technica: "We find that the current distribution of crops around the world neither attains maximum production nor minimum water use."

Urban farming containers to play a role in hyper-local food sourcing

Torstar News Service: Forty-foot containers, equipped with infrared lights and vertical hydroponics systems, can produce up to 150 pounds of kale a week.

Organic Farmers Lose Battle Over Soilless Hydroponic Growing

Emily Monaco for Organic Authority: The National Organic Standards Board voted last Wednesday to reject proposals prohibiting hydroponic and aquaponic production methods from being certified USDA organic.

Princeton's Vertical Farming Project harvests knowledge for a budding industry

Morgan Kelly, Princeton Environmental Institute: Princeton Universitys Vertical Farming Project began at a conference in 2016 when the topic turned to increasing the crop yield of hydroponic systems

Energy-efficient vertical farm to fight food poverty

David Szondy for New Atlas: "Obviously the footprint needs to be small, so you have to go vertical. And you'll need to use artificial lighting. These are the problems we decided to solve for."

Meet the "connected cow"

Nic Fildes for Financial Times: Farmers are placing sensors on various parts of cows bodies - including the tail, neck, hooves and stomach - to help increase the productivity of their herds.

IKEA & Top Chef David Chang Round Out AeroFarms Financing For $40M Series D Round

AeroFarms: Having raised in total over $100 million in corporate and project financing, AeroFarms will used the latest round of funds for continued investment in leading R&D and technology and additional farm expansion around the world.

Roots $5m IPO will heat the ground so we can grow strawberries in winter

Melissa Yeo for Stockhead: Roots sells an underground heating and cooling system for crops that increases yields and allows crops to be grown out of season.

GardenSpace, a Smart Garden Robot that Waters, Monitors, and Protects Plants, Launches on Kickstarter

The GardenSpace camera sensor monitors health by determining how chlorophyll level, plant growth, and plant temperature change over time, and then sends precise information to the gardener via an accompanying app.

'Tell me phone, what's destroying my crops?'

Jorn Madslien for BBC: The app, called Plantix, was developed thousands of miles away in Berlin, Germany, by a group of graduate students and scientists who came together to help farmers combat disease, pest damage and nutrient deficiency in their crops.

3 skills tomorrow's farmer will need

Mike Wilson for Farm Futures: When IBM and Silicon Valley invest in ag, you know its not your daddys farm anymore.

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Lighting - Featured Product

Cree LED J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs

Cree LED J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs

Introducing our cutting-edge J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs, featuring industry-leading LED efficiency up to 242 LPW or 3.33 PPF/W typical. Sharing the same high-reliability package, the two performance options of E & F Class allow luminaire manufacturers to boost performance for high efficacy lighting in outdoor areas, indoor harsh environments and horticulture applications. J Series JB3030C LEDs are an easy design choice: footprint compatible with 301B/H, available LM-80 data, and a full range of color temperatures (2700-6500K) and CRIs (70-80-90). Upgrade your lighting with unmatched performance and durability.