Water's Journey: Inside a Hydroponic Container Farm

In this blog, Pure Green we'll describe the journey that water takes through a hydroponic system like ours, from the second it enters the unit to the minute it exits.

Rising Waters, Growing Concerns: Safeguarding Farms from Flood Damage

With floods now a part of life for most of the USA, it's undoubtedly time that farms start to consider the measures they have in place to foster resilience and create barriers to those floods causing long-term damage.

Unlocking the potential of climate-smart agriculture: why satellite-enabled IoT can be the key

A recent report from Viasat uncovered a significant desire among the global agriculture industry to enhance its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance, with top priorities being water conservation and waste reduction, followed by achieving net zero target.

RanchBot Remote Monitoring Revolutionizes Water Stewardship and Management

The importance of implementing better water management practices and improving water efficiency is the foundation of our products. By providing both ranchers and their livestock with sustainable resource management, we are safeguarding the long-term availability of water.

Being a Good Steward

Wastewater treatment is serious business. Gearboxes from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS help this small community process up to 15 million gallons of it daily, without fail, with no surprises.

Ranch Life: Water Visibility is Critical Part 1

What has evolved is how the modern rancher observes and measures today with near real-time visibility, particularly when it comes to water management.

Leveraging New Technology for Water Filtration: 7 Emerging Innovations

Agriculture relies heavily on water. Irrigation alone accounts for 65% of freshwater withdrawals globally, excluding thermoelectric power. It should come as no surprise, then, that water technologies are essential to agriculture's future.

Autonomous Pivot Systems Create New Opportunities for Smart Irrigation

Pivot irrigation is an efficient method of watering crops. The center pivot station houses a motor and a water pumping station. Water comes from a lake or a river source and runs through pipes under the ground to the pivot center.

You May Be Overlooking One Key Factor In Hydroponics: Water Quality

Since water is the main carrier of nutrients, it's essential that the water have as few impurities as possible. Poor water quality may cause plants to suffer from stunted growth, nutrient deficiencies, bacterial contamination and more!

IoT Water Sensors: Improving Water Quality Management In Agriculture

As a vital resource for plant-growing, water plays an especially important role in agriculture. This article examines the importance of water quality monitoring with regard to indoor agriculture, and how IoT water sensors are key to enhancing crop yield.

Using Windmills to Deliver Water

A typical windmill with 8 diameter wheel can lift water 185 feet and pump about 150 gallons an hour in 15 to 20 mph winds when using a 1 ¾ "pump cylinder.

Go Green with Custom Water Management Applications

All the Things You Never Knew You Needed for Effective Agricultural Water Management

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igus® - Avoid corrosion & reduce wear with plastic parts

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