Collaborating companies kick off sensor network for Agricultural Communities

eVineyard joined forces with Globalsat, The Things Network and Vinduino to bring new Wireless IoT Network for irrigation optimization, which saves an average of 25% water.

Digital Technology Meets Agronomy

Pam Smith for The Progressive Farmer: Drones buzzed overhead a tractor and spray boom projected images to simulate how spray nozzles can use new technology to spray only where weeds had escaped previous controls.

Farms that grow crops and solar power together

Fran Ryan for The Recoder: The farm at the University of Massachusetts Crop and Animal Research and Education Center on North River Road in South Deerfield is offering proof that solar arrays and agriculture dont have to be at odds, but can actually exist together within the same field.

9 AgTech Startups Using AI to Grow Smarter

NANALYZE: One of the big reasons were rooting for the future is that the worlds biggest tech fund, the SoftBank Vision Fund, planted $200 million in the biggest agtech funding round ever for San Francisco-based Plenty. That brought total funding for the three-year-old company up to $226 million.

Deere to Advance Machine Learning Capabilities in Acquisition of Blue River Technology

Blue River has designed and integrated computer vision and machine learning technology that will enable growers to reduce the use of herbicides by spraying only where weeds are present, optimizing the use of inputs in farming - a key objective of precision agriculture.

How John Deere's New AI Lab Is Designing Farm Equipment For A More Sustainable Future

Adele Peters for Fast Company: The acquisition of a computer vision startup speeds the companys goal of helping farmers grow enough food for an exploding global populatio

How Can Farmers Track the Weather

Crops need weather. Farmers need weather forecasts. Expect to see more advanced weather information being made available as technology improves.

Raven Industries Release Two New Precision Agriculture Products: RS1 and CR7

New Products Enhance User Experience and Propel Precision Agriculture Technology Forward

Using Agriculture Drones to Move From Analog to Digital Farming: A Case Study in Quantifying the Return on Investment

For us, the answer on when to go from "analog" to "digital" farming is today. In one growing season, we estimate that we will come out positive on our investment in implementing a "base-plus" variable rate nitrogen program.

Can mushrooms and solar power fill Japan's vacant farmland?

Nikkei Asian Review: The business model would strip away the hurdles farmers currently face when trying to enter commercial solar power generation. They would be able to secure enough electricity for their own needs and have a surplus from which to gain an additional source of income.

Why agtech grows in Brooklyn

Nina Sparling for Brooklyn: The Brooklyn landscape is going green - and not just on rooftop farms. Of late, the borough has seen an explosion of innovation about how to grow fresh, healthy food in the heart of the city.

Solar SmartFlower Blooms at Lavender Pond Farm

Inspired by sunflowers and other phototropic plants that follow the sun across the horizon, the SmartFlower wakes up at sunrise, fans out its twelve solar "petals" to 194 square feet and automatically cleans itself in preparation for capturing the sun's rays.

Analog Devices' Monitoring Initiative Aims to Improve Crop Quality and Yields and Boost Profitability of Local Farmers

The initiative instructs student farmers how to use Internet of Things and blockchain technologies to track the conditions and movement of produce from "Farm to Fork" to make decisions that improve quality, yields, and profitability.

EU's future cyber-farms to utilise drones, robots and sensors

Anthony King, From Horizon Magazine: Bee-based maths is helping teach swarms of drones to find weeds, while robotic mowers keep hedgerows in shape.

Selecting a Precision AG Crop Scouting Solution

The rapidly growing remote sensing industry provides consumers multiple options to choose from. The challenge is selecting a crop scouting solution thats complete - that considers the sensor, software, and data analytics tools that provide the best value for your needs.

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Lighting - Featured Product

Cree LED J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs

Cree LED J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs

Introducing our cutting-edge J Series® JB3030C E & F Class White LEDs, featuring industry-leading LED efficiency up to 242 LPW or 3.33 PPF/W typical. Sharing the same high-reliability package, the two performance options of E & F Class allow luminaire manufacturers to boost performance for high efficacy lighting in outdoor areas, indoor harsh environments and horticulture applications. J Series JB3030C LEDs are an easy design choice: footprint compatible with 301B/H, available LM-80 data, and a full range of color temperatures (2700-6500K) and CRIs (70-80-90). Upgrade your lighting with unmatched performance and durability.