Unlocking Farm Potential: The Power of Reliable Connectivity in Agriculture

While public cellular providers can deliver internet access outdoors, it is often spotty in wide-open fields. Inside coverage is even more problematic. Private cellular networks can bridge this gap.

Readers Choice 2020: 5G Is Coming to Agriculture

5G speeds surpass wireline network speeds and offer latency of 1 millisecond or lower, which is advantageous for applications that require real-time feedback. 5G will facilitate an increase in the amount of data transmitted over wireless systems.

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How to overcome GNSS limitations with RTK correction services

How to overcome GNSS limitations with RTK correction services

Although GNSS offers ubiquitous coverage worldwide, its accuracy can be hindered in some situations - signals can be attenuated by heavy vegetation, for example, or obstructed by tall buildings in dense urban canyons. This results in signals being received indirectly or via the multipath effect, leading to inaccuracy, or even blocked entirely. Unimpeded GNSS positioning in all real world scenarios is therefore unrealistic - creating a need for supporting technologies, such as real time kinematic (RTK) positioning and dead reckoning, to enable centimeter-accuracy for newer mass-market IoT devices.