We’ve decided to discuss why and how diversity and inclusion will be instrumental in steering the commercial agriculture sector towards a flourishing future.

Sowing Seeds of Diversity: Enriching Commercial Agriculture Through Inclusion
Sowing Seeds of Diversity: Enriching Commercial Agriculture Through Inclusion

Grady Moore | Farmsense

In an era of burgeoning globalization and interconnected markets, the sphere of commercial agriculture cannot afford to remain insular, bound by traditional practices that seldom welcome novelty. It is within this context that the notion of fostering social diversity and inclusion emerges as not just a moral imperative, but a necessity for sustaining and evolving the industry. The intricate assortment of diverse thoughts, skills, and approaches woven by individuals from various demographics can be a cornerstone in bolstering the resilience and adaptability of commercial agriculture.

Diversity, in its true essence, signifies a rich tapestry of varying perspectives, ideas, and practices brought forth by individuals from different backgrounds. It is a driving force that can lead commercial agriculture towards an era of inclusivity, fostering unity, and facilitating a more comprehensive approach to problem-solving. That’s why we’ve decided to discuss why and how diversity and inclusion will be instrumental in steering the commercial agriculture sector towards a flourishing future.


Seeds of Diversity: A Historical Perspective

Historically, agriculture has been the canvas reflecting a rich amalgamation of diverse cultures and traditions. Different racial and ethnic groups have brought unique agricultural practices, cultivated varied crops, and enriched the global food basket. From the rice terraces of Asia, the maize fields of Native America, to the cocoa farms in Africa, the history of agriculture is a tale of diverse hands nurturing the earth. However, the commercial agricultural sector has not always embraced the diversity that characterizes its history.

There is an urgent call to revive the legacy of diversity to foster innovation and sustainability in the sector. Figures like those reported by the 2017 USDA Farm Producers Census put into perspective the lack of ethnic, racial, and gender diversity in commercial agriculture. According to this report, 95.4% of US farmers are white [1] and 64% of the over 3.3 million US farmers are men [1].


Catalyzing Innovation through Diverse Perspectives

Innovation thrives when it is nurtured in a milieu of diverse perspectives. Different racial, ethnic, and gender backgrounds bring forth a multitude of experiences and insights that can breathe fresh life into agricultural practices. From incorporating indigenous knowledge in sustainable farming to understanding regional nuances in crop management, diversity facilitates the pooling of a rich reservoir of knowledge and insights. It encourages dialogue, promotes critical thinking, and allows for the creation of innovative solutions that are sensitive to the varying needs of diverse communities.


Intersectionality and Holistic Problem-solving

Intersectionality refers to the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, ethnicity, and gender, creating a complex and compounded system of disadvantage and discrimination. Recognizing and understanding intersectionality within the commercial agriculture sector ensures that policies and practices are developed with a more holistic approach, focusing on the different challenges faced by various groups. This approach promotes the creation of solutions that are more inclusive and effective, tackling issues from multiple angles and dimensions.


Gender Diversity: Breaking Stereotypes and Fostering Equality

Gender diversity in commercial agriculture is not just a matter of social justice but also a prerequisite for economic sustainability. According to various studies, women play a vital role in agriculture, contributing substantially to the workforce. However, like other marginalized groups, women often have limited access to resources and decision-making opportunities. By promoting gender diversity, the sector can ensure equal opportunities, paving the way for increased productivity and economic growth. Moreover, women bring valuable different perspectives and approaches to farming, which can lead to the development of more sustainable and efficient practices. Change is not an overnight event, but gender diversity is trending positively for US farmers. According to the 2017 USDA Farm Producers Census, the number of female farmers rose 26.6% between 2012 and 2017 [1], signaling the effectiveness in efforts to create a more gender-equal setting in US agriculture.


Empowerment and Leadership in Commercial Agriculture

Empowering women and other marginalized groups to take up leadership roles in commercial agriculture fosters a culture of inclusivity and equality. Leaders from diverse backgrounds can bring forth unique strategies and visions that cater to a broader spectrum of the community. This approach ensures that policies and practices are not unidimensional but are reflective of the varied needs and aspirations of different groups, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious sector.


Bridging Racial and Ethnic Gaps

Commercial agriculture has historically been marred by racial and ethnic disparities, with certain groups enjoying privileges while others are marginalized. Encouraging racial and ethnic diversity in this sector can help bridge these gaps, fostering unity and mutual respect. Different racial and ethnic groups bring a rich cultural heritage and knowledge base to the table, which can be instrumental in developing practices that are more sustainable, efficient, and inclusive.

Furthermore, creating a racially and ethnically diverse space can promote an often-overlooked aspect of agriculture — community. Community building is at the heart of commercial agriculture. Collaborative efforts, fueled by diverse groups working hand in hand, can foster a sense of unity and belonging. Through collaboration, communities can develop solutions that are more comprehensive, catering to the different needs and preferences of various groups. This collaborative approach — where racial and ethnic diversity is celebrated — promotes a community where mutual respect and understanding are the cornerstones of growth and development.


Economic Implications: Boosting Growth and Sustainability

An inclusive approach in commercial agriculture can have positive economic implications. Diversity can promote an environment of competition and growth, where diverse groups bring different strengths to the table, creating a robust and sustainable sector. It encourages the sharing of knowledge and resources, promoting economic stability and growth.

In addition, diverse teams within commercial agriculture can facilitate market expansion, as they bring a deeper understanding of different markets and consumer preferences. This nuanced understanding can help in developing products that cater to a wider audience, fostering global reach and expansion. Moreover, inclusivity can lead to the development of networks and partnerships that can be instrumental in facilitating market access and growth.


Harvesting the Benefits of Diversity

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in commercial agriculture, the importance of social diversity and inclusion cannot be overstated. From encouraging innovation and enhancing market access to building resilient and united communities — the benefits of diversity are undeniable. It is not just about fulfilling a moral obligation, but about harnessing the rich potential that diversity offers to create a robust, sustainable, and vibrant agricultural sector. Together, we can sow the seeds of diversity, nurture them with love and respect, and harvest the fruits of prosperity and progress, creating a flourishing and inclusive future for commercial agriculture.

Diversity and inclusion stand as beacons of hope, guiding the commercial agriculture sector towards a future characterized by innovation, resilience, and inclusivity. They invite us to envision a world where the fields of agriculture echo with the harmonious symphony of diverse hands working together, nurturing the earth, and cultivating a future of abundance and prosperity for all. It is a call to action, urging us to forge ahead, harnessing the rich potential that diversity offers, to sculpt a vibrant and robust landscape of commercial agriculture, for the generations to come. We implore you to stand with the FarmSense team as we welcome the next generation of diversity in the commercial agriculture industry.




About Grady Moore
Grady Moore is a writer and business consultant for the ag-tech, cannabis, and hemp industries. He holds a Master of Science in medical cannabis science and therapeutics from the University of Maryland. When he isn’t working, you can likely find him playing with his golden retriever named Doobie, taking time-lapse photography, or practicing cello. To keep up with Grady, follow him on LinkedIn.


  1. https://www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/Highlights/2019/2017Census_Farm_Producers.pdf


The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of AgriTechTomorrow

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