We asked the team at Trifecta Ecosystems to share their experience switching from a world of pen & paper to the digital world of Agrilyst & barcodes.

How Trifecta Ecosystems Uses Barcodes to Improve Operations

Contributed By | Agrilyst

In our last post, we focused on sharing everything you need to know about barcodes. We asked the team at Trifecta Ecosystems to share their experience switching from a world of pen & paper to the digital world of Agrilyst & barcodes. You can check out the 3 min video below.

Key takeaways:

  1. Trifecta eliminated 30 mins per day from operations by using barcodes.
  2. A few years ago, a pest outbreak killed 75% of their farm. Barcodes would have prevented the magnitude of lost sales by finding the affected batches without question.
  3. Trifecta is able to trace back product from sales to production, and see who handled the crop, what was done, and when. It’s the easiest way to manage a recall, if one ever happened.
  4. Using barcodes means searchable tracking and records, forever.
  5. Barcodes are a cinch to use and can be integrated with a mobile device.


Special thanks to the team at Trifecta Ecosystems for sharing their insights!


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