Lifeasible Established a Chrysanthemum Genetic Transformation Platform

Lifeasible, a leading provider of life science research services, announced today that it has established a chrysanthemum morifolium genetic transformation platform, enabling researchers to modify the chrysanthemum genome to create new varieties with desirable traits, such as improved resistance to pests and diseases, increased flower size and yield, and enhanced color and fragrance.

Lifeasible, a leading provider of life science research services, announced today that it has established a chrysanthemum morifolium genetic transformation platform, enabling researchers to modify the chrysanthemum genome to create new varieties with desirable traits, such as improved resistance to pests and diseases, increased flower size and yield, and enhanced color and fragrance.

Chrysanthemum morifolium is one of the most popular ornamental flowers in the world, and it is also an important commercial crop. However, chrysanthemum is susceptible to a number of pests and diseases, and it can be difficult to breed new varieties with desirable traits. Lifeasible's chrysanthemum genetic transformation platform will provide researchers with a powerful tool to overcome these challenges.

Lifeasible's chrysanthemum genetic transformation platform is now available to researchers around the world, which is based on a variety of state-of-the-art technologies, including Agrobacterium transformation, and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. Lifeasible has also developed a number of proprietary technologies and protocols to optimize the transformation process for chrysanthemum. Scientists at Lifeasible will take care of the whole experimental process, from vector construction to obtaining positive transgenic plants.

Lifeasible offers a variety of services, including custom transformation vector construction, transformation services, and plant regeneration services. Different vector constructure services include: Gene Overexpression, RNA Interference (RNAi), Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS), Gene Knockout with CRISPR Technology, DNA-free Gene Editing, CRISPR Single Base Editing, CRISPR Interference (CRISPRi), CRISPR Activation (CRISPRa), CRISPR Mutation Library Construction, and Gene Knock-in with CRISPR Technology.

"We are excited to announce the launch of our chrysanthemum genetic transformation platform," said Isla, one of the representative speakers from Lifeasible. "This platform will enable researchers to develop new chrysanthemum varieties with desirable traits, which will benefit both the chrysanthemum industry and consumers."

Lifeasible's chrysanthemum genetic transformation platform is a valuable tool for researchers who are working to improve chrysanthemum plants and develop new chrysanthemum-based products and technologies. For more information, please visit the Lifeasible website at

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