Motorized Pruning Shears Make Quick Work for Vineyards

Electric shears are connected to the battery which is normally fastened onto the wine growers belt with a short cable while the electrical motors are integrated into the shear's handles and apply the necessary force.

Collaborating companies kick off sensor network for Agricultural Communities

eVineyard joined forces with Globalsat, The Things Network and Vinduino to bring new Wireless IoT Network for irrigation optimization, which saves an average of 25% water.

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Compressed Air Open Blowing White Paper

Compressed Air Open Blowing White Paper

Compressed air is a limited resource that is generated in-house for the benefit of many operations within the manufacturing environment. Learn how to ensure all point of use applications are using your compressed air in the most effective and efficient way possible. Learn how much it costs to produce that compressed air and how Engineered Nozzles can help you use your air more effectively and efficiently.